The Virtual Brain

TVB at SfN 2024

Chicago, USA







Get ready for the leading event in the field of neuroscience with The Virtual Brain!

We're thrilled to announce our return to SfN 2024 in Chicago, where you'll discover new insights and cutting-edge innovations in brain simulation at our booth #1724.

The countdown has begun! From Sunday, October 5, to Wednesday, October9, SfN 2024 will transform the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago into a hub of scientific discovery and collaboration. And guess what? The Virtual Brain team is back, and we can't wait to be part of this global neuroscience event again.

Booth Highlights

Visit our booth at the world's largest neuroscience marketplace to experience The Virtual Brain software, shaping the latest tools and technologies in brain research.

Attendees can find us in the institute and nonprofit area, at booth #1724. We'll be there from Sunday, October 6, to Wednesday, October 9, between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. CDT.

We're excited to welcome you, share our passion for brain simulation, and delve into the limitless possibilities it offers:

  • Meet the TVB Team: Connect with experts from our leading institutions in Canada, France, Germany and Romania. Whether you have questions, feedback, or simply want to learn more about our work, our team will be there to engage with you.
  • TVB-Demos-a-Day: Experience firsthand the power and capabilities of The Virtual Brain with our daily demos.
  • TVB Poster Series: Explore the latest research and findings powered by The Virtual Brain.

Find out more

Join us in Chicago for SfN 2024. Whether you're a scientist, clinician, or decision-maker, SfN is the place to be.

Learn more about what to expect from this year's scientific program and register for Neuroscience 2024 on the official website.

Stay tuned for updates on our journey with #TVBatSfN24.