The Virtual Brain

Profound science.


If you've used The Virtual Brain software for your scientific publication, please use the paper below for your citation list:

P. Sanz Leon, S. A. Knock, M. Woodman, L. Domide, J. Mersmann, A. R. McIntosh, V. Jirsa

The Virtual Brain: a simulator of primate brain network dynamics

Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 7:10. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2013.00010

If you're using The Virtual Brain v2.2 or higher, please cite additionally this paper:

M. Schirner, L. Domide, D. Perdikis, P. Triebkorn, L. Stefanovski, R. Pai, P. Popa, B. Valean, J. Palmer, C. Langford, A. Blickensdörfer, M. van der Vlag, S. Diaz-Pier, A. Peyser, W. Klijn, D. Pleiter, A. Nahm, O. Schmid, M. Woodman, L. Zehl, J. Fousek, S. Petkoski, L. Kusch, M. Hashemi, D. Marinazzo, J.-F. Mangin, A. Flöel, S. Akintoye, B. C. Stahl, M. Cepic, E. Johnson, G. Deco, A. R. McIntosh, C. C. Hilgetag, M. Morgan, B. Schuller, A. Upton, C. McMurtrie, T. Dickscheid, J. G. Bjaalie, K. Amunts, J. Mersmann, V. Jirsa, P. Ritter

Brain simulation as a cloud service: The Virtual Brain on EBRAINS

NeuroImage 2022,

For some of these publications, we provide video lectures and even sample code and demo data:

You can use these TVB EduCases to learn how to use the software and conduct your own research!

  • Apr


    Nature Communications

    DOI: 0.1038/s41467-024-47860-x

    Dominik P. Koller, Michael Schirner and Petra Ritter

    Human connectome topology directs cortical traveling waves and shapes frequency gradients

  • Mar


    Nature Communications (accepted)

    Nanditha Rajamani, Helen Friedrich, Konstantin Butenko, […], Petra Ritter, […], Andreas Horn

    Toward personalized deep brain stimulation

  • Feb


    National Science Review

    DOI: 10.1093/nsr/nwae079

    Huifang E Wang, Paul Triebkorn, Martin Breyton, Borana Dollomaja, Jean-Didier Lemarechal, Spase Petkoski, Pierpaolo Sorrentino, Damien Depannemaecker, Meysam Hashemi, Viktor K Jirsa

    Virtual brain twins: from basic neuroscience to clinical use

  • May


    Nature Communications

    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-38626-y

    Michael Schirner, Gustavo Deco and Petra Ritter

    Learning how network structure shapes decision-making for bio-inspired computing

  • Mar


    The Lancet Neurology

    DO: 10.1016/S1474-4422(23)00008-X

    Viktor Jirsa, Huifang Wang, Paul Triebkorn, Meysam Hashemi, Jayant Jha, Jorge Gonzalez-Martinez, Maxime Guye, Julia Makhalova, Prof Fabrice Bartolomei

    Personalised virtual brain models in epilepsy

  • Mar


    Science Advances

    DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abq7547

    Viktor Sip, Meysam Hashemi, Timo Dickscheid, Katrin Amunts, Spase Petkoski, Viktor Jirsa

    Characterization of regional differences in resting-state fMRI with a data-driven network model of brain dynamics

  • Jan


    Science Translational Medicine

    DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abp8982

    Huifang E. Wang, Marmaduke Woodman, Paul Triebkorn, Jean-Didier Lemarechal, Jayant Jha, Borana Dollomaja, Anirudh Nihalani Vattikonda, Viktor Sip, Samuel Medina Villalon, Meysam Hashemi, Maxime Guye, Julia Makhalova, Fabrice Bartolomei, Viktor Jirsa

    Delineating epileptogenic networks using brain imaging data and personalized modeling in drug-resistant epilepsy

  • Jan


    Cerebral Cortex

    DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhac500/6972302

    Spase Petkoski, Petra Ritter, Viktor K. Jirsa

    White-matter degradation and dynamical compensation support age-related functional alterations in human brain

  • May


    Frontiers Neuroinformatics

    doi: 10.3389/fninf.2022.937790

    Jorge Gulín-González, Maria L. Bringas-Vega, Eduardo Martínez-Montes, Petra Ritter, Ana Solodkin, Mitchell Joseph Valdes-Sosa and Pedro Antonio Valdes-Sosa

    Brain Modeling of Neurogenerative Disorders

  • May



    Schirner, Domide, Perdikis, Triebkorn, Stefanovski, Pai, Prodan, Valean, Palmer, Langford, Blickensdörfer, van der Vlag, Diaz-Pier, Peyser, Klijn, Pleiter, Nahm, Schmid, Woodman, Zehl, Fousek, Petkoski, Kusch, Hashemi, Marinazzo, Mangin, Flöel, Akintoye, Stahl, Cepic, Johnson, Deco, McIntosh, Hilgetag, Morgan, Schuller, Upton, McMurtrie, Dickscheid, Bjaalie, Amunts, Mersmann, Jirsa, Ritter

    Brain simulation as a cloud service: The Virtual Brain on EBRAINS

  • May


    Experimental Neurology

    DOI: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2022.114111

    Meier JM, Perdikis D, Blickensdörfer A, Stefanovski L, Liu Q, Maith O, Dinkelbach HÜ, Baladron J, Hamker FH, Ritter P

    Virtual deep brain stimulation: Multiscale co-simulation of a spiking basal ganglia model and a whole-brain mean-field model with The Virtual Brain

  • Apr


    Alzheimer’s Dement. Transl. Res. Clin. Interv.

    doi: 10.1002/trc2.12303

    Paul Triebkorn, Leon Stefanovski, Kiret Dhindsa, Margarita-Arimatea Diaz-Cortes, Patrik Bey, Konstantin Bülau, Roopa Kalsank Pai, Andreas Spiegler, Ana Solodkin, Viktor Jirsa, Randy McIntosh, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Petra Ritter

    Brain simulation augments machine-learning-based classification of dementia

  • Feb



    doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0075-21.2022

    Tyler Good, Michael Schirner, Kelly Shen, Petra Ritter, Pratik Mukherjee, Brian Levine, and Anthony McIntosh

    Personalized connectome-based modeling in patients with semi-acute phase mild TBI: relationship to acute neuroimaging and 6-month follow-up.

  • Jan



    doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.118928

    M Schirner; X Kong; T Yeo; G Deco, P Ritter

    Dynamic primitives of brain network interaction

  • Sep


    Alzheimer’s & Dementia

    doi: 10.1002/alz.12311

    Claudio Babiloni, Xianghong Arakaki, Hamed Azami, Karim Bennys, Katarzyna Blinowska, Laura Bonanni, Ana Bujan, Maria C Carrillo, Andrzej Cichocki, Jaisalmer de Frutos-Lucas, Claudio Del Percio, Bruno Dubois, Rebecca Edelmayer, Gary Egan, Stephane Epelbaum, Javier Escudero, Alan Evans, Francesca Farina, Keith Fargo, Alberto Fernández, Raffaele Ferri, Giovanni Frisoni, Harald Hampel, Michael G Harrington, Vesna Jelic, Jaeseung Jeong, Yang Jiang, Maciej Kaminski, Voyko Kavcic, Kerry Kilborn, Sanjeev Kumar, Alice Lam, Lew Lim, Roberta Lizio, David Lopez, Susanna Lopez, Brendan Lucey, Fernando Maestú, William J McGeown, Ian McKeith, Davide Vito Moretti, Flavio Nobili, Giuseppe Noce, John Olichney, Marco Onofrj, Ricardo Osorio, Mario Parra-Rodriguez, Tarek Rajji, Petra Ritter, Andrea Soricelli, Fabrizio Stocchi, Ioannis Tarnanas, John Paul Taylor, Stefan Teipel, Federico Tucci, Mitchell Valdes-Sosa, Pedro Valdes-Sosa, Marco Weiergräber, Gorsev Yener, Bahar Guntekin

    Measures of Resting State EEG Rhythms for Clinical Trials in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: Recommendations of an Expert Panel

  • Jul


    PLoS computational biology

    doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009129

    Hashemi M, Vattikonda AN, Sip V, Diaz-Pier S, Peyser A, Wang H, Guye M, Bartolomei F, Woodman MM, Jirsa VK

    On the influence of prior information evaluated by fully Bayesian criteria in a personalized whole-brain model of epilepsy spread

  • May



    doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0475-20.2021

    Arbabyazd L, Shen K, Wang Z, Hofmann-Apitius M, Ritter P, The Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, McIntosh AR, Battaglia D, Jirsa V

    Virtual connectomic datasets in Alzheimer’s Disease and aging using wholebrain network dynamics modelling

  • Mar



    doi: 10.1101/2021.02.27.433161

    Triebkorn P, Stefanovski L, Dhindsa K, Diaz-Cortes M, Bey P, Bülau K, Kalsank Pai R, Spiegler A, Solodkin A, Jirsa V, McIntosh R, Ritter P, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative

    Multi-scale brain simulation with integrated positron emission tomography yields hidden local field potential activity that augments machine-learning classification of Alzheimer's disease

  • Feb




    M. Schirner, L. Domide, D. Perdikis, P. Triebkorn, L. Stefanovski, R. Pai, P. Popa, B. Valean, J. Palmer, C. Langford, A. Blickensdörfer, M. van der Vlag, S. Diaz-Pier, A. Peyser, W. Klijn, D. Pleiter, A. Nahm, O. Schmid, M. Woodman, L. Zehl, J. Fousek, S. Petkoski, L. Kusch, M. Hashemi, D. Marinazzo, J.-F. Mangin, A. Flöel, S. Akintoye, B. C. Stahl, M. Cepic, E. Johnson, G. Deco, A. R. McIntosh, C. C. Hilgetag, M. Morgan, B. Schuller, A. Upton, C. McMurtrie, T. Dickscheid, J. G. Bjaalie, K. Amunts, J. Mersmann, V. Jirsa, P. Ritter

    Brain Modelling as a Service: The Virtual Brain on EBRAINS

  • Dec


    Cerebral Cortex

    doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhaa339

    Klein PC, Ettinger U, Schirner M, Ritter P, Rujescu D, Falkai P, Koutsouleris N, Kambeitz-Ilankovic L, Kambeitz J

    Brain Network Simulations Indicate Effects of Neuregulin-1 Genotype on Excitation-Inhibition Balance in Cortical Dynamics

  • Nov


    Front. Neuroinform

    doi: 10.3389/fninf.2021.630172

    Stefanovski L, Meier JM, Pai R, Triebkorn P, Lett T, Martin L, Bülau K, Hofmann-Apitius M, Solodkin A, McIntosh A, Ritter P

    Bridging Scales in Alzheimer's Disease: Biological Framework for Brain Simulation With The Virtual Brain

  • Sep


    Springer, New York, NY

    doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7320-6

    Viktor Jirsa, Marmaduke Woodman, Lia Domide

    The Virtual Brain (TVB): Simulation Environment for Large-Scale Brain Networks

  • Jul


    Front Cell Neurosci.


    Palesi F, Lorenzi RM, Casellato C, Ritter P, Jirsa V, Gandini Wheeler- Kingshott CAM, D'Angelo E.

    The Importance of Cerebellar Connectivity on Simulated Brain Dynamics

  • Jul


    J Neurosci.


    Courtiol J, Guye M, Bartolomei F, Petkoski S, Jirsa VK.

    Dynamical Mechanisms of Interictal Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Epilepsy

  • Mar




    Aerts H, Schirner M, Hollander T, Jeurissen B, Achten E, Van Roost D, Ritter P, Marinazzo D

    Modeling brain dynamics after tumor resection using The Virtual Brain

  • Mar



    doi: 10.1101/2020.03.26.009795

    Triebkorn P, Zimmermann J, Stefanovski L, Roy D, Solodkin A, Jirsa V, Deco G, Breakspear M, McIntosh AR, Ritter P

    Identifying optimal working points of individual Virtual Brains: A large-scale brain network modelling study

  • Dec




    Melozzi F, Bergmann E, Harris JA, Kahn I, Jirsa V, Bernard C

    Individual structural features constrain the mouse functional connectome

  • Dec


    Network Neuroscience


    Ryan JD, Shen K, Kacollja A, Tian H, Griffiths J, Bezgin G, McIntosh AR

    Modeling the influence of the hippocampal memory system on the oculomotor system

  • Oct


    Computational Brain & Behaviour


    Poldrack RA, Feingold F, Frank MJ, Gleeson P, de Hollander G, Huys QJM, Love BC, Markiewicz CJ, Moran R, Ritter P, Rogers TT, Turner BM, Yarkoni T, Zhan M, Cohen JD

    The Importance of Standards for Sharing of Computational Models and Data

  • Aug


    Network Neuroscience


    McIntosh AR, Jirsa VK

    The hidden repertoire of brain dynamics and dysfunction

  • Jul


    Nature Scientific Data

    doi: 10.1038/s41597-019-0129-z

    Shen K, Bezgin G, Schirner M, Ritter P, Everling S, McIntosh AR

    A macaque connectome for large-scale network simulations in The Virtual Brain

  • Jun


    PLoS Comput Biol.


    An S, Bartolomei F, Guye M, Jirsa V

    Optimization of surgical intervention outside the epileptogenic zone in the Virtual Epileptic Patient (VEP)

  • May


    Frontiers Computational Neuroscience


    Stefanovski L, Triebkorn P, Spiegler A, Diaz-Cortes MA, Solodkin A, Jirsa VK, McIntosh AR, Ritter P, The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative

    Linking molecular pathways and large-scale computational modeling to assess candidate disease mechanisms and pharmacodynamics in Alzheimer's disease

  • Sep


    Neurophysiologie Clinique


    Jirsa VK, Sip V

    On generalized notions of the Epileptogenic Zone

  • May


    Molecular-Genetic and Statistical Techniques for Behavioral and Neural Research; Elsevier


    Solodkin A, Zimmermann J, McIntosh AR, Stefanovski L, Ritter P

    Neurological Biomarkers and Neuroinformatics: The Role of The Virtual Brain

  • Mar


    Nature Communications


    Proix T, Jirsa VK, Bartolomei F, Guye M, Truccolo W

    Predicting the spatiotemporal diversity of seizure propagation and termination in human focal epilepsy

  • Mar


    Neuroimage Clinical


    Zimmermann J, Perry A, Breakspear M, Schirner, Sachdev P, Wen W, Kochan NA, Capstone M, Ritter P, McIntosh AR, Solodkin A

    Differentiation of Alzheimer’s disease based on local and global parameters in personalized Virtual Brain models

  • Mar


    Network Neuroscience


    Zimmermann J, Griffiths J, Schirner M, Ritter P, McIntosh AR

    Subject-specificity of the correlation between large-scale structural and functional connectivity

  • Feb




    Aerts H, Schirner M, Jeurissen B, Van Roost D, Achten E, Ritter P, Marinazzo D

    Modeling brain dynamics in brain tumor patients using The Virtual Brain

  • Jan


    eLife 2018


    Schirner M, McIntosh AR, Jirsa V, Deco G, Ritter P

    Inferring multi-scale neural mechanisms with brain network modelling

  • Jul



    Díaz-Parra A, Osborn Z, Canals S, Moratal D, Sporns O

    Structural and functional, empirical and modeled connectivity in the cerebral cortex of the rat

  • Jun



    Melozzi F, Woodman MM, Jirsa VK and Bernard C

    The Virtual Mouse Brain: A Computational Neuroinformatics Platform to Study Whole Mouse Brain Dynamics

  • Jun


    Scientific Reports, 7: 3095


    Deco G, Kringelbach ML, Jirsa VK & Ritter P

    The dynamics of resting fluctuations in the brain: metastability and its dynamical cortical core

  • May



    Pillai AS and Jirsa VK

    Symmetry Breaking in Space-Time Hierarchies Shapes Brain Dynamics and Behaviour

  • Apr




    Melozzi F, Woodman MM, Jirsa VK, Bernard C

    The Virtual Mouse Brain: a computational neuroinformatics platform to study whole mouse brain dynamics

  • Feb


    Brain, 2017


    Proix T, Bartolomei F, Guye M, Jirsa VK

    Individual brain structure and modelling predict seizure propagation

  • Feb


    Human Brain Mapping, 2017


    Bezgin G, Solodkin A, Bakker, Ritter P, McIntosh AR

    Mapping complementary features of cross-species structural connectivity to construct realistic "Virtual Brains"

  • Nov


    Neuroimage, 2016

    doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.06.016

    Prix T, Spiegler A, Schirner M, Rothmeier S, Ritter P, Jirsa VK

    How do parcellation size and short-range connectivity affect dynamics in large-scale brain network models?

  • Sep


    e-Neuroforum, 2016


    Stefanovski L, Ghani A, McIntosh AR, Ritter P

    Linking connectomics and dynamics in the human brain: Big data need big theories!

  • Apr


    Neuroimage, 2016


    Jirsa VK, Proix T, Perdikis D, Woodman MM, Wang H, Gonzalez-Martinez J, Bernard C, Bénar C, Guye M, Chauvel P, Bartolomei F

    The Virtual Epileptic Patient: Individualized whole-brain models of epilepsy spread

  • Mar


    eneuro. Mar 2016;3(2)


    Falcon MI, Riley JD, Jirsa VK, McIntosh AR, Shereen AD, Chen EE, Solodkin A

    Functional mechanisms of recovery after chronic stroke: modelling with The Virtual Brain

  • Feb


    Neuroimage, 2016


    Kunze T, Hunold A, Haueisen J, Jirsa VK, Spiegler A

    Transcranial direct current stimulation changes resting state functional connectivity: A large-scale brain network modelling study

  • Nov


    Front Neurol. 2015 Nov 2;6:228

    doi:10.3389/fneur.2015.00228. eCollection 2015. PubMed PMID: 26579071; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4629463

    Falcon MI, Riley JD, Jirsa V, McIntosh AR, Shereen AD, Chen EE, Solodkin A

    The Virtual Brain: Modeling Biological Correlates of Recovery after Chronic Stroke

  • Nov


    Front Neuroinform. 2015 Nov 25;9:27

    doi: 10.3389/fninf.2015.00027. eCollection 2015. PubMed PMID: 26635597; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4658631

    Matzke H, Schirner M, Vollbrecht D, Rothmeier S, Llarena A, Rojas R, Triebkorn P, Domide L, Mersmann J, Solodkin A, Jirsa VK, McIntosh AR, Ritter P

    TVB-EduPack - An Interactive Learning and Scripting Platform for The Virtual Brain

  • Aug


    PLoS Computational Biology


    Becker R, Knock S, Ritter P, Jirsa V

    Relating alpha power and phase to population firing and hemodynamic activity using a thalamo-cortical neural mass model

  • Aug


    Neuroimage, 2015 Aug 15;117:343-357


    Schirner M, Rothmeier S, Jirsa VK, McIntosh AR, Ritter P

    An automated pipeline for constructing personalized virtual brains from multimodal neuroimaging data

  • Jul


    Trends in Cognitive Science, 19(10): 616-628


    Kringelbach M, McIntosh AR, Ritter P, Jirsa V, Deco G.

    The rediscovery of slowness: exploring the timing of cognition

  • Jun


    J Neurosci. 2015 Jun 10;35(23):8914-24

    doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4560-14.2015. PubMed PMID: 26063923; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4589568

    Adhikari MH, Raja Beharelle A, Griffa A, Hagmann P, Solodkin A, McIntosh AR, Small SL, Deco G

    Computational modeling of resting-state activity demonstrates markers of normalcy in children with prenatal or perinatal stroke

  • Jun


    Front Comput Neurosci. 2015 Jun 23;9:77

    doi: 10.3389/fncom.2015.00077. eCollection 2015. PubMed PMID: 26157384; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4477138

    Ritter P, Jirsa VK, McIntosh AR, Breakspear M

    Editorial: State-dependent brain computation

  • May


    Neuroimage. 2015 May 1;111:385-430

    doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.01.002. Epub 2015 Jan 13. PubMed PMID: 25592995

    Sanz-Leon P, Knock SA, Spiegler A, Jirsa VK

    Mathematical framework for large-scale brain network modeling in The Virtual Brain

  • Dec


    Brain Connect. 2014 Dec;4(10):791-811

    doi:10.1089/brain.2014.0252. PubMed PMID: 25131838

    Roy D, Sigala R, Breakspear M, McIntosh AR, Jirsa VK, Deco G, Ritter P

    Using The Virtual Brain to reveal the role of oscillations and plasticity in shaping brain's dynamical landscape

  • Mar


    Front Comput Neurosci 8: 36


    Sigala, R, Haufe S, Roy D, Dinse HR, Ritter P.

    The role of alpha-rhythm states in perceptual learning: insights from experiments and computational models

  • Mar


    Front. Neuroinform. 8:36

    doi: 10.3389/fninf.2014.00036

    Woodman MM, Pezard L, Domide L, Knock S, Sanz Leon P, Mersmann J, McIntosh AR, Jirsa VK

    Integrating Neuroinformatics Tools in The Virtual Brain

  • Jun


    Neuroimage. 2013 Jun 3;83:704-725


    Spiegler A, Jirsa VK

    Systematic approximations of neural fields through networks of neural masses in The Virtual Brain

  • Apr


    Brain Connect 3(2): 121-145


    Ritter, P., M. Schirner, A. R. McIntosh and V. K. Jirsa

    The Virtual Brain integrates computational modeling and multimodal neuroimaging