The Virtual Brain

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EduCases for The Virtual Brain.

Learning by doing.

  • LEARN: Modelling Epilepsy with The Virtual Brain

    • epilepsy

    The simulation of the virtual epileptic patient is presented as an example of advanced brain simulation as a translational approach to deliver improved results in clinics. The fundamentals of epilepsy are explained.

    On this basis, the concept of epilepsy simulation is developed. By using an iPython notebook, the detailed process of this approach is explained step by step.

    In the end, you are able to perform simple epilepsy simulations your own.

    Topics covered in this lesson by Julie Courtiol

    • Fundamentals of epilepsy
    • How to build a virtual epileptic patient?
    • Hand-on-guide through the iPython notebook
    • Creating your own epilepsy simulations with TVB