The Virtual Brain

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EduCases for The Virtual Brain.

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  • EBRAINS Virtual Brain Cloud Facility Hub at Charité Berlin has been implemented


    Get access to the state-of-the-art facilities and resources of HBP partner institutions, to foster collaboration and carry out cutting-edge scientific research.

    HBP and HBP partners provide access to three types of Facility Hubs:

    • Physical facilities (e.g. microscopes)
    • Competence centres providing specialized software support going beyond the EBRAINS High Level Support Team
    • The European Institute for Theoretical Neuroscience (EITN)

    Facility Hubs are aligned with the FENIX supercomputing network to provide user access to computing resources, e.g. for data storage, analysis, and simulation.

    The first Facility Hub pilots will be operational by the end of March 2021. Additional Hubs are planned to follow.

    The Facility Hubs are contributions from HBP partners to the new EBRAINS research infrastructure, and complement the EBRAINS services currently on offer.

    From the EBRAINS website, find out more here.

    Follow the conversation on Twitter.

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