The Virtual Brain

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EduCases for The Virtual Brain.

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  • The Virtual Brain: Facility Hub is the official EBRAINS competence center for TVB

    • hbp
    • AMU
    • TVB Facility Hub / Launch announcement

    The Virtual Brain: Facility Hub went online under and serves as the first official EBRAINS contact point for any TVB related questions.

    This complements the EBRAINS hub network, providing access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources of HBP partners, fostering collaboration to carry out cutting-edge scientific research.

    Announced in June 2021, The Virtual Brain: Facility Hub is a contribution of Aix-Marseille University to Europe’s new digital research infrastructure EBRAINS. It complements the current range of EBRAINS services. Aix-Marseille University is partner of the Human Brain Project (HBP).

    The Virtual Brain: Facility Hub offers training and help in TVB project development, organizes workshops and provides a concise map to the multitude of sites and TVB services in the EBRAINS ecosystem:

    • Education:
      learning how to do full-scale brain modeling with TVB

    • Application:
      using TVB on various platforms and contributing to its source code

    • Brain data:
      access to data sets usable in the TVB software

    The EBRAINS Facility Hub network is aligned with the FENIX supercomputing network to provide user access to computing resources, e.g. for data storage, analysis, and simulation.