The Virtual Brain

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  • New paper: Virtual brain twins: from basic neuroscience to clinical use

    • paper
    • AdvancingNeurosciencewithPersonalisedBrainModels.jpg

      Differences in network organisation/architecture in different diseases and during ageing. © INS, Aix-Marseille University

    This new paper from TVB's research group at INS in Marseille was published in National Science Review and presents a formalized and comprehensive conceptual framework as the starting point for virtual brain twins.

    Specifically, it provides a formal definition of a virtual brain twin and its key elements, proposes a unified framework from the perspective of personalized whole-brain network modeling and deliver concrete examples for different clinical applications.

    Virtual brain twins aim to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of patients with brain disorders. They can also help to further our understanding of diseases by testing potential pathological mechanisms in…

    • Epilepsy
    • Alzheimer’s disease
    • Healthy ageing
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Parkinson’s disease
    • Psychiatric disorders

    The eximination of psychiatric disorders is explored specifically in the new EBRAINS-led neuroscience project "Virtual Brain Twin for personalized treatment of psychiatric disorders".