The Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes in Marseille is happy to announce a workshop collaboration with Michael Betancourt, a core developer of the popular platform Stan and expert on Hamilton Monte Carlo!
Bayesian Data Analysis is a key methodology for advanced brain simulation with The Virtual Brain, as can be seen in the [Bayesian Virtual Epileptic Patient](https://www.sciencedirec
by Michael Burgstahler
The Virtual Brain: Facility Hub went online under and serves as the first official EBRAINS contact point for any TVB related questions.
This complements the EBRAINS hub network, providing access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources of HBP partners, fostering collaboration to carry out cutting-e
by Michael Burgstahler
TVB Facility Hub on EBRAINS
The Virtual Brain Facility Hub at Aix-Marseille University will provide expert support for activities linked to the use of The Virtual Brain. The Hub aims to increase the capacity of neuroscientists to use ICT tools, such as TVB and EBRAINS, in order to advance scientific knowledge and facilitate the translation of research into clinical applications. To find out more, [Click Here](
by Tanya Brown