A new EBRAINS-led neuroscience project has been awarded a 10 million Euro grant by the European Commission, as part of the Horizon Health Europe Calls 2023 initiative.
The proposal, titled [Virtual Brain Twin for personalized treatment of Psychiatric Disorders](https://www.virtualbraintwin.eu "Visit
by Michael Burgstahler
We would like to announce and congratulate the launch of Testing and Experimentation Facility Health AI and Robotics TEF-Health, a project funded by the European Union and member states with 60 million Euros. Our own co-founder of The Virtual Brain, Prof. Dr. Petra Ritter, leads this new project, as well as the Brain Simulation Section at Charité in Berlin.
TEF-Health has over 51 participants
by Jessica Palmer
The Brain Simulation Section is proud to announce that the eBRAIN-Health project: Actionable Multilevel Health Data, coordinated by Prof. Petra Ritter, has been funded with € 13Mill by Horizon Europe.
This comprehensive European infrastructure project is done in collaboration with EBRAINS AISBL and 18 additional European partners.
The project aims to develop a new federated
by Chloê Langford
- press
- virtualbraincloud
- funding
The Virtual Brain was successful in a recent Research and Innovation Call of the European Commission Horizon2020 program with the topic “Exploiting the full potential of in-silico medicine research for personalized diagnostics and therapies in cloud-based environments”.The newly formed VirtualBrainCloud consortium led by Prof. Ritter a
by Tanya Brown
NIH and German Federal Ministry of Education and Research are co-funding a US-German project of
- Indiana University Bloomington (PI: Sporns)
- Charité Berlin and MPI Leipzig (PI: Ritter)
- Jülich Research Center( PI: Morrison).
The project is dedicated to large-scale brain simulations on supercomputers.
by TVB Editor
TVB Applications Leader Dr. Petra Ritter got approval for the usage of 11 million core CPU hours on the supercomputer JUROPA, at Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany for her project "Identification of dynamical regimes in whole-brain simulations".
by TVB Editor
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We're happy to announce that TVB institution Baycrest Health Sciences has been awarded a $100 million funding boost from the Canadian federal budget!
by TVB Editor
We're happy to announce that the James S. McDonnell Foundation has awarded a second multi-million Dollar grant to The Virtual Brain project!
by TVB Editor