The Virtual Brain

  • Virtual Brain Twin project funded by European Commission with 10 million €, addressing psychiatric diseases

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    A new EBRAINS-led neuroscience project has been awarded a 10 million Euro grant by the European Commission, as part of the Horizon Health Europe Calls 2023 initiative.

    The proposal, titled [Virtual Brain Twin for personalized treatment of Psychiatric Disorders]( "Visit

  • The Virtual Brain: Facility Hub is the official EBRAINS competence center for TVB

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    • TVB Facility Hub / Launch announcement

    The Virtual Brain: Facility Hub went online under and serves as the first official EBRAINS contact point for any TVB related questions.

    This complements the EBRAINS hub network, providing access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources of HBP partners, fostering collaboration to carry out cutting-e

  • EBRAINS Virtual Brain Cloud Facility Hub at Charité Berlin has been implemented


    Get access to the state-of-the-art facilities and resources of HBP partner institutions, to foster collaboration and carry out cutting-edge scientific research.

    HBP and HBP partners provide access to three types of Facility Hubs:

    • Physical facilities (e.g. microscopes)
    • Competence centres providing specialized software support going beyond the EBRAINS High Level Support Team*
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  • EBRAINS HealthDataCloud – a secure distributed health data platform

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    Founding on EOSC project Virtual Brain Cloud Charite now leads EBRAINS’ Health Data Cloud –- a GDPR-compliant, federated research data ecosystem that enables neuroscience research consortia across Europe and beyond to work with sensitive neuroscience data originating from human subjects, as well as defined routes for sharing of the data and results.

    Enabling the integration of distributed heal

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  • EBRAINS TVB Facility Hub

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    • TVB-Fac-Hub

      TVB Facility Hub on EBRAINS

    The Virtual Brain Facility Hub at Aix-Marseille University will provide expert support for activities linked to the use of The Virtual Brain. The Hub aims to increase the capacity of neuroscientists to use ICT tools, such as TVB and EBRAINS, in order to advance scientific knowledge and facilitate the translation of research into clinical applications. To find out more, [Click Here](