The Virtual Brain

  • 10,000 installations of The Virtual Brain: Thank you!

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    • epilepsy
    • TVB 10000 Downloads

    On the quiet Saturday morning of January 6th, 2018, an eager scientist tapped the trackpad – unknowingly making history and quite a few people dance on tables, toasting with leftover champagne from New Year's eve: Because the 10,000th copy of The Virtual Brain was downloaded!

    The story of this impressive achievement in modern neuroscience started 10 years ago, in a pub in Chicago where [Vi

  • TVB got 11 million core CPU hours at supercomputer JUROPA

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    • hpc

    TVB Applications Leader Dr. Petra Ritter got approval for the usage of 11 million core CPU hours on the supercomputer JUROPA, at Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany for her project "Identification of dynamical regimes in whole-brain simulations".