The Virtual Brain

  • TVB shown at Berlin Science Week

    • press
    • epilepsy
    • conference

    Leading TVB scientist Dr. Petra Ritter was invited to speak about The Virtual Brain and its clinical applications at the „Future Medicine“ Science Match 2016 in Berlin, Germany. This conference was part of the Berlin Science Week 2016.

    In the Bolle Festsäle "Future Medicine" Science Match brought together the rising stars of science from top institutions in Berlin, Germany, and the world with proven game-changers.

    They presented in one day cutting-edge translational medicine and showed how their work will turn advances in life science research into benefits for patients and people. In five sessions the topics Personalized Medicine, Digital Health, Start-Up Ecosystems, Regenerative Medicine and Cell Engineering were discussed.

    Developed by German newspaper The Tagesspiegel, Science Match is an innovative format for connecting science, business, society, media and new talent. In keynotes and 3-minute presentations German and international researchers will feature their innovations in life sciences. Attracting up to 800 participants, the target audiences of this event are peers, young professionals, healthcare industry, venture capital, funding institutions and policy makers.