The Virtual Brain

  • LEARN: TVB Clinical Applications - Epilepsy

    • epilepsy

    Along the example of a patient with bi-temporal epilepsy, we show step by step how to develop a Virtual Epileptic Patient (VEP) brain model and integrate patient-specific information such as brain connectivity, epileptogenic zone and MRI lesions.

    The patient's brain network model is then evaluated via simulation, data fitting and mathematical analysis.

    This lecture demonstrates how to develop novel personalized strategies towards therapy and intervention using TVB.

    Topics covered in this lesson by Paul Triebkorn

    • General introduction to epilepsy
    • Workflow of the VEP
    • Building step-by-step a VEP using TVB
    • VEP evaluation: fitting SEEG data using parameter sweep and inference
    • Predicting the Propagation Zone from patient-specific connectome